Carolina Dance Club
Get fit, and learn to dance. We are inclusive, and a great place to meet new people.
Italy Trip



Monday, April 21 Flights from RDU to Venice, Italy. (Travel Day)

Tuesday, April 22 - Venice

Wednesday, April 23 - Venice

Thursday, April 24 - Bologna - Food Tour Excursion

Friday, April 25 - Bologna 

Saturday, April 26 - Rome

Sunday, April 27 - Rome

Monday, April 28 - Rome - Pompeii Excursion

Tuesday, April 29 - Rome - Colosseum Tour

Wednesday, April 30 -  Rome 

Thursday, May 1 - Flights from Rome to RDU.

Travel Between Cities: Pack lite, we will be using the Italian rail system to move between cities. It's fast and convenient.

Additional Excursions: We plan on several excursion trips while we are in Italy.

They are optional if you choose to join us.

Bologna - The food capital of Italy. We may book a Food Tour excursion. 
Rome - A day trip to Pompeii , a trip to the Roman Colosseum and the Vatican City.


2 Travel Days & 9 Nights in Italy

We are going to Italy for a 8 days and nights of sight seeing, food, wine, dancing and socializing with the natives. If this sounds good, come join us on this wonderful Italy adventure. 

This will be a relaxed trip. That means you can join us on several planned excursions, or take off on your own whenever you like. 

We plan on dancing during several of the nights we are in Italy. We will look into where social dancing is available, and arrange our dance nights accordingly.

If you cannot join us for the entire trip, you can arrange to join us at any point during our travels. Just let us know your plans by early April 10th to coordinate your itinerary with us.

Book your own trip using some travel apps (Kayak, Expedia, Trivago) or use a planner of your choice.

Book your entire trip with a friend of the club Lindsay Hemingway

Email Her    Cell: 919-345-0153

If you would like to share a room with someone, you will need to coordinate that on your own.

HAVE QUESTIONS? Your Travel Hosts: Wesley Boz, Debbie Ramsey

Wesley's Cell: 919-749-3030   Email Me